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Resource Package - Rehabilitation for Dancers

Resource Package - Rehabilitation for Dancers

Resource Package - Rehabilitation for Dancers

This course includes



Did you know that dancers are at high risk of injury? Did you know that some of these injuries are preventable?

In fact, 95% of dancers will experience pain or an injury within each and every year they participate in dance. Up to 91% of all injuries will be to the lower extremities (that’s your hips, legs, ankles and feet).

There is strong evidence that neuromuscular training and strengthening can help decrease injury, improve performance and improve movement mechanics.

There is also evidence that strengthening can help improve flexibility in a safe and effective manner!

Dance Medicine is a branch of sports medicine dedicated to the specific athletic needs of performing artists. This resource package includes access to professional quality video exercises geared toward your patients who participate in dance as well as other artistic sports (gymnastics, artistic swimming, etc.).

We have compiled exercises we often use in the clinic with this population to improve neuromuscular control, posture, strength, mobility, turn out and balance. Every exercise includes verbal cues used by dance medicine experts to help improve proprioception and body awareness for your patients. 


What's Included:

  • A review of the 5 ballet positions with correct alignment and cueing
  • 46 patient exercises
  • Lifetime access to the exercises
  • BONUS! An easy access link to a 60+ minute webinar recording that Dinah Hampson & Geneviève Renaud delivered on May 7 2020 called 'Introduction to Assessing & Treating Dancers and Artistic Athletes'. *Please note - The same webinar link is provided in each Pivot Dancer resource package and this webinar is available for FREE in Embodia.

Scroll down to see what's included in this resource package.

To find out more about Pivot Dancer and our resources for dancers, visit our website at


Important Information about Resource Packages on Embodia:

This course is a resource package. A resource package is not a complete online course. Rather, resource packages on Embodia contain patient exercises and/or education which can be prescribed with patients directly through Embodia.

Please note, you must be an Embodia Member (subscriber) to use Embodia with your patients. You can view membership pricing here or contact us at if you have questions.

The instructors
Geneviève Renaud

CO-FOUNDER Pivot Dancer
Registered Bilingual Physiotherapist

Dip. Manual & Manipulative Physiotherapy, Dip. Sport Physiotherapy Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT) Certification Jr to Advanced levels.

Geneviève, a native of Cole Harbour, Nova Scotia, is a registered physiotherapist with 12+ years of experience in sport rehabilitation. She holds both a post-graduate Diploma in Sport Physiotherapy and in Advanced Manual and Manipulative Therapy. Geneviève is a member of the Healthy Dancer Canada Network and of the International Association of Dance Medicine Science. She danced competitively for 20+ years, training in tap, jazz, ballet and contemporary dance and successfully passed the BATD Jazz associate exam with Highly Commended. Geneviève is the creator of the Strong Dancer program and has been asked to teach injury prevention workshops at multiple dance conferences. She currently treats athletes and dancers in a private clinic in Ottawa, Ontario and is a contractor with CSIO.

Dinah Hampson

FOUNDER Pivot Dancer
Registered Physiotherapist
Dip. Manual & Manipulative Physiotherapy, Dip. Sport Physiotherapy, Progressive Ballet Technique (PBT) Certification Jr to Advanced levels, Certified pelvic physiotherapy, 4Pointe Level 1 instructor

Dinah Hampson is a registered physiotherapist with 30 yr experience working in high performance orthopaedic practice. In addition to daily clinical practice, Dinah remains on faculty at the University of Toronto, is an examiner for the Canadian Sport Physiotherapy division, a regular speaker at International Association of Dance Medicine Science and Performing Arts Medicine meetings, and is one of 6 physiotherapists in the world currently qualified to instruct 4Pointe syllabus. Dinah was classically trained in ballet and is adept in working with all sports. Dinah has been an active member of the Canadian Medical teams for many multisport games including; Olympic, Paralympic, Pan America, World University, Youth Olympic and Commonwealth Games. Dinah is the founder of Pivot Sport Medicine in Toronto, Ontario where she continues a busy clinical practice, and Pivot Dancer where virtual delivery of care is her focus.

Pivot Dancer

Pivot Dancer is a knowledge-sharing platform which provides evidence-based content to the dance community. We bring together experts from around the world to give you unprecedented access to knowledge acquired through years of experience in the world of dance and science. Learn more at
Material included in this course
  • Resource Package: Rehabilitation for Dancers
  • Welcome to Rehabilitation for Dancers!
Patient exercises included in this course
  • Review of Ballet Positions 1-5 with Correct Alignment 
  • Hip Thrusters
  • Bridging
  • Bridging in turn out (Frog bridging)
  • Turkish Get Ups
  • Parallel Squat Jump
  • Deadlift
  • Curtsy Squat
  • Monster Walks
  • Marching Bridge
  • Squat
  • Super clam shell with foot on wall
  • Clam shell in a side plank
  • Clam shell in side lying
  • Band Resisted Jumps in Second
  • Bridging with Single Leg Extension and Turn Out
  • Elevated Leg Pull Downs with Heel in Band (Front & Side)
  • Turn Out in Standing
  • Turn Out from Hips (Spiral)
  • Side Plank with Hip Abduction
  • Copenhagen Side Plank on Ball
  • Ball Pass
  • Stir the Pot
  • V Sit with Battu
  • Russian Twists
  • Body Saw on Roller (or Ball)
  • Plank on Ball
  • Handstand
  • Half Kneeling Overhead Press
  • Shoulder Flexion Control in Tall Kneeling
  • Band Pull Aparts (T's)
  • Straight Arm Band Pull Backs (A's)
  • Prone Lat Pull Downs
  • Shoulder Blade Shrug to Swan on Roller
  • Scapular push-ups in a tall plank
  • Blackburns
  • Half Kneeling Hamstring & Hip Flexor Floss
  • Hip extensions in lumbar curl position
  • Straddle leg lifts in lumbar curl position (hip abduction)
  • Dead Bug: eccentric leg lowers off roller
  • True Hip Flexor Stretch
  • True Quad Stretch
  • Groin Rock Back in 4-point
  • Side Lying Thoracic Spine Rotation Stretch
  • Thoracic Spine Extension over Pilates Ball
  • Child’s Pose on Roller
  • Pectoral Stretch Off Roller
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