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Developing a Water Exercise Program for Individuals With Stroke

Developing a Water Exercise Program for Individuals With Stroke

Developing a Water Exercise Program for Individuals With Stroke

This course includes
Lifetime access after purchase
Certificate of completion
This course was recorded in June 2021


Water-based exercise has the potential to support individuals with chronic stroke in the transition from formal rehabilitation to community living.

Barriers to physical activity in stroke are complex and related to stroke severity, personal characteristics, and many contextual factors. Designing these complex interventions using the best available evidence including stakeholder input will yield a program that is “real world” applicable. 

Join the Canadian Physiotherapy Association to learn how to develop a water exercise program for individuals with stroke. This evidence-based online course includes scoping of the existing literature.



Olivia Manning is a Neurological Physiotherapist at Providence Care Hospital and PhD Candidate in Rehabilitation Sciences at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario. Her current research studies the gap between formal rehabilitation and community wellness for stroke survivors. Previously she has completed research in the areas of Multiple Sclerosis, gait analysis, aging in place for older adults (The Oasis Project) and corticospinal excitability. Olivia strongly believes in embracing the complexity of neurological populations in research trials and creating opportunities for more severely impaired individuals to be active in the community.

The instructors
Canadian Physiotherapy Association

As the vital partner for the profession, the Canadian Physiotherapy Association (CPA) leads, advocates, and inspires excellence and innovation to promote health. CPA’s goal is to provide exceptional service, valuable information and connections to the profession of physiotherapy, across Canada and around the world.
Material included in this course
  • Developing a Water Exercise Program for Individuals With Stroke Using the Evidence-Base: Scoping the Literature & Consulting Stakeholders
  • Welcome
  • Introduction
  • Water Based Activity
  • Research Questions
  • Stakeholder Consultation and Participant Experiences
  • Next Steps
  • Questions
  • Feedback
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