What's new on Embodia
February 7, 2025: HEP - Feature improvement
Sending the patient a reminder to complete a questionnaire
February 5, 2025: Embodia Academy - New webinar
An Introduction to the Mental Health Physical Therapist Certification Program
February 5, 2025: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to add days and time restriction for joining the wait list
February 4, 2025: Embodia Academy - New webinar
How to Communicate with an Orthopedic Surgeon
January 31, 2025: Embodia Academy - New course
Resource Package - Concussion and Primitive Reflex Exercises
January 30, 2025: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to specify who to notify besides the treating practitioner when a patient schedules an appointment
January 29, 2025: Practice management - New feature
Changing the time format preference for your clinic
January 27, 2025: Embodia Academy - New course
Perinatal Health Specialist Certification Training Part 1
January 22, 2025: Embodia Academy - New webinar
When to Offer Rehab in the Hospital after Birth
January 21, 2025: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to automatically remove patients from the waitlist when a consult is booked
January 20, 2025: Practice management - Feature improvement
Ability to specify who to notify besides the treating practitioner when a patient cancels or reschedules their appointment
January 10, 2025: Embodia Academy - New webinar
A Practical Guide For Persistent Pain Therapy - April 2025 Live Course
January 8, 2025: Practice management - New feature
Adding diagnosis codes to chart entries
January 6, 2025: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Cervical and Lumbar Spine Assessment Resource
January 1, 2025: Embodia Academy - New blog post
Demystifying Squatting Techniques for the Female Athlete
December 18, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Practical Implications of Generative AI in Physiotherapy
December 12, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
HCAI Glossary for Ontario Physical Therapists
December 9, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Addressing the Effect of Emotional State on the ANS, Sensorimotor Control & Pain
December 6, 2024: Embodia Academy - New webinar
Transformative Health Coaching in Physiotherapy: Building Alliances for Enhanced Outcomes
December 3, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Sending a webhook when a patient completes a booking request
November 19, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Automated notification for patients on the waitlist when a patient cancels/reschedules an appointment
November 15, 2024: HEP - New course
The Upper Extremity - How it Affects Hands
November 13, 2024: Embodia Academy - New blog post
A Superbill Glossary for Physical Therapists: Your Go-To Cheat-Sheet for Your Cash-Based Practice
November 11, 2024: Embodia Academy - New course
Bridging the Digital Divide: Ethical and Equitable Technology Access for Older Adults
November 8, 2024: Practice management - Feature improvement
Allow the patient to generate a Superbill for a fully paid invoice if one has not been generated by the practitioner