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Do You Work With Persons Living With Multiple Sclerosis? Learn More About How Yoga Therapy Can Help You Help Them!

Do you work with persons living with progressive neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis? Working with persons living with MS is truly nuanced work in more ways than one. In today’s blog, we share with you some of the knowledge that Yoga Therapist Robin Rothenberg accumulated in her 20+ years of experience.

Let's Be Fair and Proactive: Ontario Fairness Commissioner Addresses the Situation of Physiotherapy Graduates and Entry to Practice Review

On June 14, 2021, the Ontario Fairness Commissioner, Irwin Glasberg, released a letter regarding the situation of physiotherapy residents and entry to practice review. This blog summarizes the chronology of events, main points of the Commissioner's letter, and new information surrounding the important issues.

Get Involved: How We Can Increase Access to BPPV Treatment

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, also known as BPPV, is a widespread and common condition, affecting 2.4% of the general population. Despite how common this condition is, only 8% of affected people receive effective treatment for it. Let's change that.

What Is the Role of Physiotherapists in Breastfeeding and Infant Feeding?

As a physiotherapist, do you know what your role or scope of practice is in breastfeeding and infant feeding? If you don't, don't worry, you are not alone. Today’s blog is based on Lactation Consultant, Mercedes Eustergerling’s course and addresses that important question and more.

Do You Know How to Treat and Assess Complex Cancer Cases?

Do you know how to treat and assess complex cancer cases? Today’s blog and course it is based on can help. The course is based on a live, interactive webinar and examines two real-life complex case studies that you may see in your practice. We discuss one of the two case studies in the blog.

Five Reasons to Educate Your Patients Digitally

With the development of digital technologies, and as telehealth and virtual care become more prevalent, there are more opportunities to provide patient education through digital media. This post discusses five benefits of providing digital education over traditional paper handouts or pamphlets.

Static Stretching and Athletic Activities: Stretching the Truth, but Not Much Else

Based on a paper written by Bahram Jam, this post discusses the current misconceptions surrounding static stretching related to athletic activities. Four proposed benefits are disproved and alternative strategies are introduced for each. This post is for patients and practitioners alike, as it covers common misconceptions about the impact of static stretches.

Physical Therapists Make Life Worth Living: Physiotherapy in Oncology

Are you a physiotherapist or rehab professional who would like to learn more about the roles of rehab in cancer care? Today we discuss the importance of rehab and exercise in cancer care as well as exercise guidelines for cancer. This blog is based on current scientific evidence and Marize Ibrahim’s, physical therapist in cancer rehabilitation, webinar and clinical experience.

A Letter to Canadian Physiotherapists

There are now thousands of Physiotherapy Residents waiting to be licensed in Canada due to a global pandemic and an inability to administer a clinical exam by CAPR (Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators). I am calling on the compassion and courage of all of my colleagues across the country to join this conversation.

Anti-Racism & Allyship for Rehab and Movement Professionals

We are always learning how to be an ally to someone. This blog will teach you how to become an ally to BIPOC communities and will attempt to comprehensively explain why doing so is crucial. Self-awareness is not enough. Let's use our privilege as healthcare practitioners to demand anti-racism and create transformative change.

Physiotherapy Competency Exam (PCE) Clinical Component Cancelled for Third Time – Is it Time for a Change?

On Saturday, March 20, hundreds of physiotherapy graduates were ready to take the first-ever virtual Clinical PCE Component. Shortly after the exam launch, CAPR cancelled the exam due to significant technical difficulties. This is the third cancellation. Learn about what took place and what we need moving forward. Graduates - We are with you in this moment.

Don't Get Left Behind, Start Using Digital Home Exercise Programs to Improve Patient Outcomes!

Are you a healthcare practitioner? Are you still not using a digital Home Exercise Program (HEP)? In today's blog, learn about why Embodia's easy-to-use digital HEP is rated best-in-class by practitioners and patients alike.

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